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아직도 얼굴기름종이 쓰니? 특별한 화산석 VALL 페이스오일리무버로 얼굴기름 싹싹! [유분제거/페이스마사지/개기름 모공관리]


Updated: May 18, 2021

Do you still use oil control film?

Get rid of facial oil with VALL’s special volcanic stone facial oil remover!

[removes oil/gives facial massage/helps with pore oil management]

"If you have oily skin, then increase your everyday life’s quality with VALL!

Enjoy a soft massage with our 100% volcanic stone!

My pores tell me that spring is coming with oil overflowing from my skin like a volcanic eruption. My face looks oily as though I used an ampoule on my face... I don’t even know how many sheets of #oil control films I have used until now. However, it seems as though the world doesn’t wait for me~ #VALL is a reusable product that #removes oil and #manages your pores without the need to open and throw away paper films~ We were curious about VALL, so we bought two at a price discount. Wow… If this turns out to be a good product, I will give it to other friends with oily faces~ the ball is made of a washable volcanic stone, and they include 3 more balls for replacements.

"Easy and simple usage! You won’t be able to use other products after using VALL!

A sebum management product with good design, features, and portability

"Easy and simple usage! You won’t be able to use other products after using VALL !

A sebum management product with good design, features, and portability"

There’s enough to last for the year… My skin is so oily that even a skin analyzing machine said I had sebaceous glands all over my face… I had to use 300 oil control films daily … It was so bothersome to take out and use the oil film… And it was disgusting to throw away the oil film after use. But using #VALL’s #Facial oil remover and rubbing the 100% natural volcanic stone across my face completely removed the oil from my face! It was also easy to take care of as it can be washed and replaced easily making me think this was the real #real life quality enhancer! I have to introduce this product as a life quality enhancer on my YouTube channel!

" 100% natural volcanic stone that removes oil while leaving moisture intact!

Enjoy our convenient, semi-permanent product!

There are two types; the square type that looks like a Greek temple pillar and a spear type that has a circular dome. You can choose from black, gold, and blue for each type… but… what is this? The person who invented #VALL must be a genius… It looks like a decorative object when I put it away after use… Is the inventor a person that also felt bothersome when using oil films… I was so surprised by the product looking like a luxurious decorative object… As my interior color was white, I chose the spear type in sky blue color, which is my favorite color. It’s so pretty! Products should be designed like this! I took so many pics because it was so pretty!

"Comfortable grip! Semi-permanent use with spare VALLs

Use a product that is eco-friendly instead of paper films !

As #VALL rotates on a fixed outer cover, if you spread it across your face like having a #facial massage, only softness will be left behind. Wow… As I get older, my face becomes oilier, but VALL seems to be a solution for all my facial problems. After use, the volcanic stone becomes matte again after some time~ Both the spear type and square type models have a firm grip, enabling easy use, and both are easy to carry around allowing #oil removal anywhere and everywhere. Instead of powdering my face to cover my facial pores, now I use the facial oil remover on my face and do my makeup, which helps me do my #mask makeup.

" VALL comes in pretty packaging that looks like a decorative object

Choose from the square and spear types and their colors,

according to your taste

Isn’t it very pretty? I think gold is very pretty with the square type. People always ask if I’m using perfume haha~ VALL is made with 100% natural volcanic stone, and it has an amazing oil removing capability due to the porous pores of the volcanic stone~ If you consistently #remove oil using our #facial oil remover, then you can enjoy the benefits of #facial massage and #pore management simultaneously.

"Feels as though you put powder on! No facial pulling feeling!

Volcanic stone removing oil only from your face

"My facial oil is slowly eroding away… VALL is an amazing product…"

My face looked so greasy when there was oil on my face... When my face was greasiest at around 3PM I used the #VALL #facial oil removal to remove my #facial oil. Wow… My face was so smooth even though I didn’t put powder on my face… Is this real life?! I was so excited that I rubbed my face to feel the smoothness~ As I only put sun cream on, it didn’t mess up my face. If I put makeup on, I may need to redo my makeup, but as VALL makes my skin matte and soft, I probably won’t redo my makeup. My skin was oily even around my eyes, but you see how matte and soft my skin became after use. My skin became so matte and soft even without powdering my skin… I think this is a product worth using continuously.

" Use VALL during your morning routine if you have oily skin~

A necessity in the upcoming spring and summer!

" Removes sebum that formed overnight

VALL’s sebum removing + skin massaging effects"

It is fascinating how well #VALL #facial oil remover’s natural volcanic stone #removes oil~ I always use #VALL in the morning. #Facial oil that formed overnight that doesn’t wash away completely when washing my face with water creates skin trouble~ But when I use VALL facial oil remover when washing my face it #massages my face and prepares my face for skincare afterward~ I need VALL whenever my face is #oily~ As the packaging is luxurious, it will be a good gift to friends as well. I always recommend this to friends with oily faces

#Vall #facial oil remover #facial oil removal #oil removal #facial massage #skin care #mask makeup #greasy face #pore management

네이버 블로거 ' Heavenly City 이윰 '님의 리뷰입니다.

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