💚 잘가요~~ 기름종이
💚 Good bye~~ Oil paper
친환경적으로 뽀송감 느껴봐요^^
Feel the softness in an eco-friendly way ^^
피부_필요없는 유분기 빼고
유수분 밸런스 맞춰주기
Skin_ removes unnecessary oil
and finds the oil-moisture balance
피부노폐물ㆍ피지 ㆍ유분_잘 닦아주지 않으면 피부가 칙칙하고 무거운 느낌이 있죠~~
수시로 닦아줄때 ~~ 2~3개의 기름종이가 필요해서~~
Skin wasteㆍ sebumㆍ oil_ If you don’t wipe them off well, the skin looks dull and feels heavy~~
But if you wipe them off frequently~~ you need 2~3 oil blotting papers~~
기름종이를 대신해서 사용할 수 있는 다회용제품이 있을까?
So I started wondering ~~
Is there a reusable product that I can use instead of the oil blotting papers?
와우👍 찾았어요🧐🧐
I looked for it~~
Wow 👍 I found it 🧐🧐
사용 3일째
ㅎ 뽀송감 만족
다회용이라서 더 만족
세척도 쉬워서 좋네요
Day 3 of use
Satisfied by the softness
Even more satisfied because it’s reusable
It’s easy to clean, too.
저 요고요고
한 달 정도 사용 해보구요^^
I’ll use this
for about a month ^^
완전 만족감 차오를때
and when I’m full of satisfaction,
인친님들께 소개해드릴게요^^
I’ll introduce it to you guys on Instagram ^^
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